How To Make Money Sharing Videos On Facebook

How To Make Money Sharing Videos On Facebook

How To Make Money Sharing Videos On Facebook


Making money on Facebook can be a great way to build a passive income stream. Sharing videos on Facebook is a great way to earn money, and it doesn’t take much effort. You can easily create videos that are shareable and entertaining, and you can use them to build an audience and make some extra money. This article will explain how to make money sharing videos on Facebook.

Choose Your Niche

The first step to making money on Facebook is to choose a niche. A niche is a specific topic or subject that you will focus on. This can be anything from fitness to cooking to entertainment. You should choose a niche that you are passionate about, as this will make it easier to create content and stay motivated. You should also make sure that the niche is popular and has a large enough audience to make money. Once you have chosen your niche, you can start creating videos.

Create Quality Videos

The next step is to create quality videos. This means that you should focus on creating videos that are entertaining, informative, and shareable. You should also use high-quality equipment and editing software to make sure that your videos look professional. If you are not familiar with video editing, you can use free software like iMovie or Adobe Premiere. Once you have created your videos, you should upload them to YouTube, Vimeo, or other video-sharing sites.

Share Your Videos on Facebook

Once you have uploaded your videos to YouTube and other video-sharing sites, you should share them on Facebook. This will help you to grow your audience and get more views. You should also create a page on Facebook and post your videos there. This will make it easier for people to find your content and will help to spread your message. You should also encourage people to share your videos and leave comments.

Monetize Your Videos

Once you have built an audience and have a lot of views on your videos, you can start to monetize them. This can be done through ad networks such as Google Adsense or through affiliate links. You can also create sponsored content and get paid for it. Another great way to make money is by offering premium content or services to your viewers.

Promote Your Videos

Finally, you should promote your videos on other social media platforms. You can do this by using hashtags, creating engaging posts, and running ads. This will help you to reach a larger audience and will help to drive more views and revenue to your videos. You should also use analytics to track your performance and see what is working and what isn’t.


Making money on Facebook can be a great way to build a passive income stream. Sharing videos on Facebook is an easy way to make money, and it doesn’t take much effort. You should choose a niche that you are passionate about, create quality videos, share them on Facebook, monetize them, and promote them on other social media platforms. With a bit of effort, you can easily start making money sharing videos on Facebook.

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