Legitimate Online Surveys That Pay Cash

Legitimate Online Surveys That Pay Cash

Legitimate Online Surveys That Pay Cash

Taking online surveys is a great way to make money and have a little fun at the same time. Not only can you make some extra cash, but you can also get to voice your opinion on products and services that you use every day. As with anything else, there are some online survey companies out there that are not legitimate. That’s why it’s important to know which ones are legitimate and which ones are not. Here are some legitimate online surveys that pay cash.


Swagbucks is one of the most popular and well-known survey sites out there. They offer a variety of different surveys that you can take, ranging from simple opinion surveys to product testing surveys. You can also earn money by watching videos, playing games, and shopping online. The amount of money you can earn with Swagbucks depends on the surveys you take and the amount of time you spend on the site. The more surveys you take, the more money you can make.

Vindale Research

Vindale Research is another great survey site that pays cash for taking surveys. They offer a variety of different surveys, ranging from short opinion surveys to longer product testing surveys. They also offer a variety of incentives for completing surveys, such as cash back offers and free products. The amount of money you can make with Vindale Research depends on the surveys you take and how much time you spend on the site.

Pinecone Research

Pinecone Research is one of the most reputable survey sites out there. They offer surveys on a variety of topics, ranging from consumer products to healthcare. They also offer a variety of incentives, such as cash payments and gift cards. The amount of money you can make with Pinecone Research depends on the surveys you take and the amount of time you spend on the site.

Survey Junkie

Survey Junkie is an online survey site that pays cash for completing surveys. They offer a variety of different surveys, ranging from short opinion surveys to longer product testing surveys. You can also earn money by watching videos and playing games. The amount of money you can make with Survey Junkie depends on the surveys you take and the amount of time you spend on the site.

Opinion Outpost

Opinion Outpost is another great survey site that pays cash for taking surveys. They offer a variety of different surveys, ranging from short opinion surveys to longer product testing surveys. They also offer a variety of incentives for completing surveys, such as cash payments and gift cards. The amount of money you can make with Opinion Outpost depends on the surveys you take and the amount of time you spend on the site.


These are just a few of the legitimate online survey sites out there that pay cash. Each one offers a unique opportunity to make some extra money while voicing your opinion. Before signing up for any of these sites, make sure to do your research to ensure that they are legitimate. This will help you avoid any scams and ensure that you get paid for your hard work.

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