Make Money Online Writing Short Stories

Make Money Online Writing Short Stories

Make Money Online Writing Short Stories


Do you have an idea for a short story? Do you have the skills to write it down? If you have both of these things then you can make money online writing short stories. Writing short stories can be a great way to make money online, and it can be done in your spare time. You can write stories for magazines, websites, books, and even contests. There are many ways to make money writing short stories, and all you need to do is put in some hard work and dedication.

Finding Work

The first step to making money online writing short stories is to find work. There are many websites and magazines that accept submissions for short stories. You can also look for magazines or websites that are specifically looking for short stories. This is a great way to get your work seen by a large audience. You can also look for contests that are specifically looking for short stories, and this can be a great way to get your work seen by a wide range of people.


Once you have found work, you will need to start writing your manuscript. Manuscripts are a great way to get your work seen by publishers and agents. You can submit your manuscript to publishers and agents, and they will review your work and decide if they want to publish it. You will also need to make sure that your manuscript is properly formatted before submitting it. This will ensure that your story looks professional and that it is easy to read.

Writing Style

Once you have written your manuscript, you will need to make sure that your writing style is suitable for the type of publication you are submitting to. Different publications have different styles and you will need to make sure that your writing style is suitable for the publication you are submitting to. This is important as you want your story to be accepted and you don’t want to be rejected because your writing style doesn’t fit the publication.

Marketing Your Work

Once you have written your manuscript and it has been accepted by a publisher or an agent, you will need to start marketing your work. You will need to create a website and promote your work on social media. You can also create a blog and write articles about your story and post them to different websites. This will help you get your story seen by more people. You can also join writing communities and post your work to them in order to get feedback and advice.


Writing short stories is a great way to make money online. All you need to do is find work, write your manuscript, and make sure that your writing style is suitable for the type of publication you are submitting to. Once your work is accepted, you can start marketing it and getting it seen by more people. Writing short stories can be a great way to make money online and it can be done in your spare time.

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