How To Make Money As A Phd Student

How To Make Money As A Phd Student

How To Make Money As A PhD Student


Pursuing a PhD is a very rewarding experience, but it’s not always the most financially rewarding. The cost of tuition, fees, and living expenses can add up quickly and leave PhD students struggling to make ends meet. Fortunately, there are many ways for PhD students to make money that don’t involve taking on full-time employment. Here’s a look at some of the best ways for PhD students to supplement their income.

Teaching Assistant

One of the most common ways for PhD students to make money is by becoming a teaching assistant. Teaching assistants are responsible for grading student work, leading discussion sections, or even lecturing in some cases. Teaching assistants usually receive a stipend in addition to their tuition, making it a great way to make some extra money. It’s important to note, however, that teaching assistants are usually required to work a set number of hours each week, so it’s important to make sure that the workload is manageable.

Research Assistant

Another great way for PhD students to make money is by becoming a research assistant. Research assistants help faculty members with their research projects, and they are usually paid hourly. Research assistants are often required to work a set number of hours each week, so it’s important to make sure that the workload is manageable. Research assistants usually receive a stipend in addition to their tuition.

Freelance Writing

Freelance writing is another great way for PhD students to make money. There are many websites that offer freelance writing opportunities, and PhD students can use these opportunities to make some extra money. Freelance writers are typically paid per word, so the more words they write, the more money they can make. It’s important to be aware of any deadlines associated with freelance writing projects, as these can be difficult to meet if the workload is too heavy.


PhD students often have a wealth of knowledge in their chosen field, and this knowledge can be leveraged to make money through consulting. Consulting can be a great way to make some extra money, and it’s usually done on a per-project basis. It’s important to make sure that the consulting projects don’t conflict with any of the PhD student’s other commitments, such as their dissertation or teaching responsibilities.


Tutoring is another great way for PhD students to make money. Tutoring can be done either in-person or online, and it’s usually done on an hourly basis. Tutors are typically paid per hour, so the more hours they work, the more money they can make. It’s important to make sure that the tutoring workload is manageable, as it’s easy to become overwhelmed if the workload is too heavy.


Making money as a PhD student doesn’t have to be hard. There are many ways for PhD students to supplement their income, such as teaching assistant, research assistant, freelance writing, consulting, or tutoring. It’s important to make sure that the workload associated with any of these activities is manageable, and that the activities don’t conflict with any other commitments. With a bit of planning and hard work, PhD students can make enough money to cover their living expenses and have some extra money left over.

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